I'm personally not a big fan of storing information like bookmarks on my computer. The reason being that when I format my computer, 9 times out of 10 I'll forget to save my bookmarks. That's what got me onto using delicious. It's a web based bookmark manager that has many other benefits than your normal browser gives you.
For starters, delicious is a social network. Not in the same sense as what Facebook is, but rather it is more focused on sharing bookmarks. The strength of this social network is the ability of seeking bookmark rankings. The more users that have bookmarked a particular URL, the more likely that the URL contains valid and relevant information.
Your able to search for bookmarks in delicious just like pages in Google. Delicious works by searching through the tags that users gives their bookmarks. For example if I bookmarked a page on the Joe Satriani Ibanez guitar then I would give it the tags 'Satriani', 'Ibanez' and 'Guitar'. I left 'joe' out because it is quite an abitrary tag that wouldn't give as relevant a result as what 'Satriani' would. In fact the whole searching capabilities of Delicious rely on a tags level of relevance to the bookmark it is referencing.
The other bonus of delicious is that you can access your bookmarks from any computer in the world. All you do is go to the delicious site and log in and all your bookmarks are displayed in your profile, where you can search through your tags or create notes to remind you why you bookmarked a particular page.
The future is cloud computing, and I really feel that the more information I can unchain from my computer (as long as it is secured) the better!
If you'd like to jump on the delicious band wagon head on over to http://delicious.com/
There's also an extension for Firefox that makes using delicious easy as one could want.
I'm beginning to love Delicious, I have been using it now to bookmark all my OUA NET11 sites :) Still not ready to throw all my local bookmarks into the mix yet though.
You comment on the cloud is spot on. I too believe that the future is in the cloud. We have just made the leap to move all our photos to Flickr and I made the move to only Gmail for email middle of last year. The only real thing holding us back here in Oz is the frustrating speed of the Internets :/
The twice weekly paper normally reports the goings on in town- city council meetings, store openings, Cub Scout meetings- but Gus, the once big city reporter, sees journalism bookmark manager differently than reporting on only the things people want to hear. When the snowmobile of former hockey coach Jack Blackburn, who died when it broke through the ice on Starvation Lake, turns up on the shores of another lake five miles distant,
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